Author: ctschroeder (page 1 of 5)

New Grant from the St Shenouda Society

The Coptic Scriptorium team is deeply grateful to the St Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society for its recent grant to our project. This generous gift was made possible by donations from many members of the Society. We especially thank Hany Takla, President of the Society, for his ongoing leadership and collaboration with our project.

The funds will go to digitizing and annotating more Bohairic Coptic literature. Team member Dr. Nicholas Wagner will be able to devote more hours to Boharic.

Thank you again to the St. Shenouda Society!

New Webinar Video on Searching Our Database Now Online

Earlier today, the Coptic Scriptorium project hosted an online workshop/webinar on searching text and annotations in our database (ANNIS). The video is now on YouTube. The cheat-sheet with an online tutorial that Dr. Zeldes shows in this video is on our website.

Webinar/online workshop on how to search the Coptic Scriptorium database (ANNIS)

If you watch the video, we’d also appreciate your feedback in this brief survey.

We thank the National Endowment for the Humanities, the University of Oklahoma, and Georgetown University for supporting the project and this workshop.

Learning and Teaching Coptic with Coptic Scriptorium’s Resources

Today I had the pleasure of giving a presentation at the annual St. Shenouda Society-UCLA Conference of Coptic Studies. My talk illustrates various ways the Coptic Scriptorium project’s texts and tools can help Coptic language learners become more proficient in Coptic. Whether you are a student in a course, an instructor, or someone wanting to learn or improve your knowledge of Coptic, there are many resources online to help you. I’ve posted the slides here for everyone to access, and they go through how to use advanced features of the online Dictionary, basic natural language processing tools to decipher confusing or complicated grammar, and ways to read digitized text to improve reading skills.

I hope it’s useful!

Hiring a DH Specialist in Coptic Studies

Coptic Scriptorium is hiring one more staff member, starting in September 2023. This position runs through at least August 2024 and can be renewed potentially up through July 2026. It is part-time (on average 15 hours/week). Full details in the ad attached!

Thank you to the National Endowment for the Humanities (Preservation and Access Division) and the University of Oklahoma Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Partnerships for the funding and support for this position!!

Hiring for a 1-year Postdoctoral Fellow

Coptic Scriptorium is hiring for a 1-year, full-time Postdoctoral Fellow to work with us on expanding the number of Coptic texts we have available and on annotating those texts.

Full details are in the job ad. This position is remote with virtual meetings and occasional travel to the University of Oklahoma or Georgetown University or other work sites (travel funding covered by OU).

If you are considering applying but have a dissertation defense/completion date firmly set during August (rather than prior to August 1), we can consider your application; please note in your letter your specific timetable, and if we decide to interview you we can discuss the timetable in the interview.

If you applied for the summer position previously advertised and would like to apply for this position, as well, please do send a new full application for this position.

We will begin reviewing applications next week and will conduct virtual interviews either at the end of this month or very early June. This position is funded jointly by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the University of Oklahoma Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Partnerships.

Hiring for a part-time summer position!

We are hiring for a summer part time position! The full description is below, but the highlights are:

  • must know Coptic
  • 10-20 hours per week
  • remote work
  • supervised by Prof. Caroline T. Schroeder at the University of Oklahoma
  • position begins May 15 or as soon thereafter as the hiring paperwork etc. can be completed
  • send a letter, CV, and names/contact info for 2 references to

In addition, because of the nature of the position, we can only hire someone who is in the US and eligible to work in the US.

We will begin reviewing applications May 8.

This is perfect for a grad student, recent PhD, or part-time academic looking for some extra income over the summer

Busy this summer but wish you could apply? We will be hiring for one or two more positions to start in August or September. Watch this space!

Coptic Scriptorium Awarded an NEH Grant to Expand Corpora and Add More Dialects

The Coptic Scriptorium team is honored to have been awarded an NEH Preservation and Access/Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Implementation Grant in the amount of $349,887. This award will fund a 3-year project Expanding Coptic Digital Online Collections. You can read the press release and list of awarded grants on the NEH site. This initiative will enable Coptic Scriptorium to improve the user experience, to expand our digital database of richly annotated texts in the Sahidic dialect, and to develop natural language tools and searchable, annotated, digitized corpora for additional dialects, including Bohairic. Caroline T. Schroeder (University of Oklahoma) is PI, and Amir Zeldes (Georgetown University) is co-PI. The team also includes Rebecca Krawiec (Canisius College), Christine Luckritz Marquis (Union Presbyterian Seminary), and Hany Takla (St. Shenouda Society), as well as a diverse advisory board. We thank our whole team past and present for the work that led to this stage, and we are grateful to the National Endowment for the Humanities for their ongoing support.

New links for tools and services

After our recent server outage, we’ve been re-installing our tools and software. Some of our services are now available at new URLs.

The ANNIS database is now at

Our Sahidic Coptic natural language processing tools are at

Our GitDox annotation tool is at

The Coptic Dictionary online is still at, and our tool for browsing and reading texts is still at

Thanks for your patience!

Coptic Scriptorium services are back online!

Thank you to Amir and the staff at Georgetown University. Most of our public applications, such as the ANNIS database and the Coptic Dictionary Online, are back in service.

Coptic Dictionary and ANNIS database down

We are sorry to report that the server that hosts the Coptic Dictionary Online and Coptic Scriptorium’s ANNIS database are down. (Likewise some of the NLP tools and internal tools like GitDox are down.)

We are working on fixing the problem, but for now we do not have a timeline for when they will be up and running.

In the meantime reading and browsing texts at still work.

Thank you for your patience! We will let you know when the systems are up again.

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