The Coptic Scriptorium team is pleased to announce the latest release of annotated Coptic corpora.

This release contains new text data contributed by Alin Suciu and Diliana Atanassova as part of the KELLIA project, as well as transcriptions and annotations from various Coptic SCRIPTORIUM project participants. New data in this release includes excerpts from:

  • The Canons of Apa Johannes (2,024 words)
  • Pseudo-Theophilus On the Cross and The Thief (4,543 words)
  • additional Apophthegmata Patrum, bringing the total released to 75 apophthegms (9,413 words)

All texts are also linked word-by-word to the Coptic Dictionary Online (

All corpora now also contain syntactic annotations derived from our tree-banking project. These annotations can be searched using the “func” annotation and visualized as treebanks.

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We would like to thank the annotators and translators, without whose work the corpora would not be online. We thank the NEH and DFG for the necessary funding.