Author: David Sriboonreuang (page 2 of 2)

Introducing the project texts and data model, and how to use ANNIS

To learn more about Coptic SCRIPTORIUM’s corpora, data model, and features,  here is a video on how to use the tool ANNIS into the world of Coptic. Thanks goes to Caroline T. Schroeder for the video from her youtube channel.


(Originally posted on

Previous Workshop on Digital and Computational Scholarship in the Coptic Langauge

Back in 2013 we hosted a workshop on digital research and scholarship in Coptic at Humboldt University. The program and presentations are available.


(Originally posted on

New material added: papyri

We’ve annotated and published in our search and visualization tool ANNIS two documentary papyri from

Click on the page icon next to the corpus name for a list of visualizations.

documentary papyri from posted at 5/26/15)


Releasing more Coptic Sayings

We added a couple more Sayings from the Coptic Sayings of the Desert Fathers.   Try searching for the word “worm”!

To see a visualization of the manuscript text, click on the “diplomatic text” under the search results.

diplomatic transcription of an apophthegm from Sayings of the Desert Fathers

(Originally posted at on 5/26/15)

Our lightning round presentation at the NEH is now online

We gave a brief presentation about Coptic SCRIPTORIUM at the NEH Office of Digital Humanities Project Directors’ meeting in September.  We’re at the 9:38 time marker.  Video is from the NEHgov channel on youtube.

Releasing new corpora and newly translated corpora in multiple formats

All the recent corpora we’ve announced (, Acephalous Work 22, Sayings of the Desert Fathers, etc.) can be downloaded as TEI XML, PAULA XML or relANNIS files from our GitHub repository.  They can be queried in the search and visualization tool ANNIS.  (Video introductions to ANNIS are here and here.)  Also, If you find any errors in our data or want to add more annotations, please get in touch!

Updated New Testament selections: Greek added!

Our machine- and human-annotated New Testament selections from the Gospel of Mark and 1 Corinthians are now aligned by verse with the SBL Greek New Testament and apparatus. Search the SBL Greek or the Sahidica Coptic or the World English Bible translation. Scripture quotations marked SBL_greek are from the SBL Greek New Testament. Copyright © 2010 Society of Biblical Literature and Logos Bible Software.

We will eventually be adding the Greek to our machine-annotated full Sahidica NT. Thanks to Society of Biblical Literature for the permission to publish it.

Also, please let us know:  what kind of visualization do you want for the Greek and Coptic NT? Send us your suggestions and ideas!

(Originally posted at 5/24/15 )

More Shenoute material added to our Corpus

We’ve added another section of Shenoute’s Acephalous Work 22 to our search and visualization tool, ANNIS.

(Originally posted to on 5/24/15.)

Release of the updated tokenizer

The tokenizer has been updated! Version 3.0 is now on GitHub.  It has introduced a training data component that learns from our annotators’ most common tokenization and correction practices.  The tokenizer breaks Coptic text segmented as bound groups into morphemes for analysis/annotation

(Originally posted on on 5/22/15.)

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