Coptic Scriptorium is busy this summer conference season.

I had the privilege of teaching one of the Sunoikisis Digital Classicist summer session earlier in July.

UCLA-St Shenouda Society image

The UCLA-St Shenouda Society conference participants, 2019

I also presented some research on girls and girlhood using the Coptic Scriptorium Corpora and the Online Coptic Dictionary at the annual UCLA-St. Shenouda Society Coptic Studies Conference.  This year was the 20th anniversary conference, and the theme was Shenoute and the White Monastery.

C. Schroeder presenting at ACH 2019; photo courtesy Melissa Dollman via Twitter

C. Schroeder presenting at ACH 2019; photo courtesy Melissa Dollman via Twitter

This week,  the American Digital Humanities organization, the Association for Computational Humanities, held a conference in Pittsburgh.  There I talked about colonialism, Coptic manuscripts, and resisting continuing colonialist tendencies in digitizing these manuscripts.

Meanwhile we’ve also been working on digitizing and annotating more texts, which we hope to release in the fall.

Happy summer everyone!