Coptic Scriptorium team members Caroline T. Schroeder and Rebecca Krawiec recently led a workshop on Digital Corpora and Digital Editions at the North American Patristics Society annual meeting.   We created detailed tutorials useful to both beginners and more advanced users on our GitHub site.  These tutorials cover:

  • an introduction to digital editions and corpora
  • working with the online Coptic Dictionary
  • simple and complex searching Coptic literature in our database ANNIS
  • creating a digital corpus with Epidoc TEI-XML annotations and natural language processing

We invite everyone to use these tutorials on their own.  They’re designed for for self-paced work.

We were pleased to participate in the pre-conference Digital Humanities workshops that included another session on mapping led by Sarah Bond and Jennifer Barry.  We had attendees from four countries, who ranged in their careers from graduate students to senior professors.  Thanks to NAPS for hosting these workshops, and to the NEH and the DFG for making our work possible.